A Strategic Resource in the Legal Industry

Independent Third Party

Bill is available to serve in the role of independent third party, and there are several ways that can be of benefit. At times law firm leadership will benefit from an independent perspective on things. At other times the partnership may see leadership as having a vested interest in a certain outcome and the involvement of an independent third party may be helpful in raising partner confidence in the process and reducing suspicions or hesitations. It can be as important to address perceptions as realities. At other times it can be useful to involve an independent third party to play a role in messaging on difficult subjects. In most cases leadership will still need to play a role in the process, but an independent third party may assist in moderating the situation , or at least sharing the heat. From time to time circumstances may arise where it makes sense to interview partners confidentially (a leadership review , for example) and sometimes this is better handled by a third party.

Additional Resource

Most of the time, professional service firm leaders find it to be more than a full time job to manage their practice (at whatever level) and manage the firm, even when things are running smoothly. That leaves little or no time for strategic initiatives or pursuing other substantive plans designed to advance the firm. Unfortunately, the everyday and the urgent can overtake the strategic. Bill can provide the additional manpower that may be required on a temporary basis from time to time, so that leadership has sufficient resources to get the job done, whatever that may be, in a timely way.


There has never been a more competitive time in the legal profession. If you are standing still, you are falling behind. Law firm strategy and strategic planning begins with an objective and candid analysis, followed by the formulation of an appropriate response on strategy. Then comes the daunting challenge of consensus building to garner the support needed to move forward. Never underestimate the "resistance to change" within law firms and individual lawyers. Bill is available to play a lead or support role in any aspect of this process.


Most law firm leaders find themselves sitting behind the Managing Partner's (or CEO's) desk one day without much in the way of formal training or direct experience to equip them for some of what lies ahead. Learning from experience, real time in front of your partners can be unsettling (for them and you)and may not be the best approach. Bill is available to serve as a sounding board or provide another perspective or second opinion in a challenging situation. This can be done in the foreground or the background.

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